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Parent Teacher Organization

The diverse community at Dallas International School (DIS) is proudly comprised of multicultural families, faculty and staff. The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) focuses on enriching the the DIS community through a series of events, committees and programs.  All parents, teachers and staff are automatic members of the PTO.

Our Mission

The DIS PTO is a non-profit organization that focuses on fundraising projects, enrichment activities, and coordinated events in order to ultimately strengthen the DIS school community and foster a positive learning environment for its students.


Our Purpose

The DIS PTO has several focused initiatives, but the general purpose for this organization include:

  • Further the educational goals of DIS by developing closer relations and interaction among parents, faculty and students associated with the school.
  • Furnish financial support to the school to further its educational goals and promote welfare of its students.
  • Provide a forum in which the opinions of the parents, teachers and the school administration may be expressed and shared.
  • Welcome new families, faculty and staff; and to facilitate their transition into the DIS community. Serve as advocates for the school both within the DIS community and to others.

The DIS PTO is 100% volunteer based and relies on volunteers from the community to be elected onto the Board of Directors as well as manage events and committees.
The PTO Board of Directors meets monthly to oversee the organization of its various programs and activities.

General Member Meetings are held during the school year for all parents, teachers, and staff to attend. The DIS PTO presents information and updates as well as completes voting for any policy changes and/or new board member inductions.