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Our Campuses

We have a lower campus at 6039 Churchill Way, just south of 635, off of Preston Road. This campus is for children in EC2 through 4th grade.

Our upper campus is located at 17811 Waterview Parkway, just across the street from UTD. This campus is for grades 5 through 12.

We offer a French International Curriculum for grades EC2 through 8, with a special immersion program in grades 1 through 3 for students with no prior French.  There is no French requirement for the Early Childhood and Kindergarten levels. For grades 9 through 12, students can choose either the French Baccalaureate track (FB) or the International Program that leads to the IB Diploma Program in grades 11 & 12. DIS is one of only a few schools in North America to offer either an Advanced Bilingual IB Diploma, Bilingual IB Diploma or IB Diploma.

For more information on our programs, please contact the Admission Office at 972-991-6379 (age 2 through 4th grade), 469-250-0001 (grades 5 through 12), or email us at


Attend an Online Call

You can learn more about our international programs by attending an online call. Upcoming dates can be found here.

Today's call link for 9am: 

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