In the Elementary years at DIS, more than 60% of instruction time is in French. The French teacher teaches core subjects such as Math, Science, History, Geography and French Grammar. Remaining instruction time is in English with courses in English Language Arts, STEM and US Math. Third language instruction is in Spanish or Mandarin.
DIS offers a French Language Immersion Program for students in grades 1-3, with no prior exposure to French.
* New for the 2025-2026 school year * DIS will be offering an International Program in grade 5, with all courses taught in English with the exception of Spanish, Mandarin or German class. This English-based program will run from grades 5 through 12, culminating with the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program.
School hours for grades 1 through 4 are 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Before care is offered from 7:30 am until class time, free of charge. After care, along with after school activities, is offered from 3:30 pm to 6 pm.
Grade 5, Waterview campus school hours are 8:15 am to 3:25 pm. Students can be dropped off starting at 7:30 am, free of charge. After school studying and activities are offered from 3:30 pm to 6 pm.
There is a shuttle that runs from Churchill campus to Waterview campus in the morning and three rounds of shuttle service in both directions in the afternoons.
Applicants transferring from an accredited French school need to submit a Certificat de Scolarité along with three years of bulletins scolaires. DIS can still accept applications for transfers from other accredited French schools for the 2024-25 school year.
Applicants in grades 1-5 will be assessed prior to admission. An in-house evaluation will be conducted in English to assess a child's skills in reading, writing and math.
Required documents to be submitted when applying:
- Copy of birth certificate
- Current vaccination records
- Last three years of school records, when applicable
- Two teacher recommendation letters, when applicable