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French Language Immersion Program


For 1st - 3rd Grades

French Language Immersion Program

Dallas International School's French Language Immersion Program is for new students in grades 1 through 3rd for the 2025-2026 school year. Students who have no previous exposure to French language receive instruction in French while they learn core subjects with the help of a dedicated mother-tongue immersion teacher. The goal of this program is to gradually have students transition into the main grade level French class over the course of the year.  Class size is between 8 and 10 students for this program.

DIS Instruction

Students who have no previous exposure to French language receive instruction in French while they learn core subjects with the help of a dedicated mother-tongue immersion teacher.

Why Immersion

Immersion programs have proven to be effective in helping students attain a high
level of second language proficiency. No other type of instruction, short of living in a second-language
environment, is as successful. Elementary-age children acquire language quickly in this environment.


The goal of this program is to gradually have students transition into the main
grade level French class over the course of the year. Class size is between 8 and 10
students for this program.

How It Works

Close to 70% of weekly instruction time will be in French with the immersion teacher. During instruction time, subjects such as French grammar, Math, History, Geography and Science will be taught.


  • The curriculum in this class is accredited by the French Ministry of Education and is the same that is taught in France.
  • Students join their main grade level class for English Language Arts, US Math, STEM, Library and Physical Education.
  • Students in the immersion program will gradually transition into the main grade level French class over the course of the year.