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Early Childhood

At Dallas International School, the Early Childhood (EC) years guide children in becoming independent, confident learners and help them to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in primary school

Early Childhood at DIS

Early Childhood years at DIS are known as EC2, EC3, EC4 for ages two through four.  These school years are designed to help children transition from the security and comfort of home to begin a journey towards independence and school readiness. DIS Early Childhood offers a unique bilingual program in French and English. EC children acquire rich, well-structured oral language which is clearly understood by others. Upon entering Primary school, DIS students are understanding and communicating in French and English. 

Teachers nurture the linguistic and social emotional development of each child in a differentiated, hands-on, child centered learning environment. Early Childhood students learn while building relationships with adults and peers. They explore concepts of oral language, early reading and writing, mathematics, gross and fine motor skills, art, and exploring the world. Teachers arrange learning spaces to offer children a world of exploration, which stimulates their curiosity to try a variety of sensory, motor and cognitive experiences. The daily EC schedule is organized in a manner that respects the needs and natural biological rhythms of the children while offering carefully planned and purposeful learning activities. These years of learning offer children a firm educational foundation on which to build their future academic development.