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COVID-19 Response Plan

At Dallas International School (DIS), the safety of our students and staff is our primary concern during these uncertain times over the spread of the Coronavirus with the new Omicron variant. We are monitoring the situation closely on a daily basis and will do our best to keep you updated about the school’s preparations to best protect our community. 

By seeking guidance from our school’s medical committee, monitoring recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Texas Education Authority (TEA), and the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS), as well as observing best practices of schools around the world, we believe that we can put in place procedures that ensure a safe environment for our students, teachers, and staff at DIS.

Our school will partner with and follow the guidance of Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) when handling any cases of COVID-19 that might be identified among our students and employees. DCHHS uses detailed guidelines that are determined by the symptoms shown, the potential contact with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19, and the amount of community transmission. The exact steps that DIS will take will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

The document found below provides information on how the school intends to respond in order to prevent the spread of the disease within our community, but please note that our plans may change at any time, as the situation evolves and state and local officials issue new recommendations.