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Weekly School Updates

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Dear Churchill Community,

I hope you have enjoyed your Winter break.


News from Churchill Campus

Sylviane Derozier is participating in a training offered by the Mission Laïque Française on Shadow Theatre. Part of the training focuses on the emotion of the students. She picked the book “La couleur des émotions/ The color monster” from Anna Llenas and will be referring to artist Alexander Calder. She will be working with 4 GS classes to build projects and activities based on this concept and inspiration. Once the project is complete, we will be hosting a gallery and inviting you to this exciting exhibit. 

Mrs. Sham’s February Guidance Lessons on Kindness will continue this week (2/21 - 2/25) and wrap up next week (2/28 - 3/4). Here are parent resources on Kindness for K-2 and 3-5.


MAP Tests
This week, our students took the MAP test. We will continue testing next week. MAP assessments are used to measure and chart student's academic growth. The information provided will be used to create goals, adapt our curriculum and provide appropriate resources for our students. 


Return to Churchill Cafeteria
I am really happy to announce that our students will return to the cafeteria starting next week. Please read the email that I sent separately for the details of the plan.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend.

Franck Philipp