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Blackbaud Tuition Management

Like most businesses, schools, and other organizations, DIS uses third party software and services to help run its organization and further its mission. DIS carefully selects third party service providers to provide certain administrative services on DIS’ behalf. These include tasks they may have historically been performed by DIS, but that DIS has found to be more effective and efficient when accomplished by a trusted third party provider.  This is especially true with respect to software products that require continual updating. By using third party service providers to perform certain administrative tasks, DIS is able to free up resources to better accomplish its mission of educating students of all backgrounds to contribute to a dynamic world with its internationally renowned curriculum, multiple language instruction, and exposure to diverse cultural views.

In choosing third parties for these tasks, DIS enters agreements with these companies to limit the scope of the services and use of information to the needs of DIS and only to the extent that DIS would have rights to use the information. DIS’ service providers are only engaged to perform tasks which otherwise could be provided by DIS itself. As part of this policy, DIS has partnered with Blackbaud as its Software as a Service (SaaS) tuition management platform. Blackbaud’s product suite, which includes Blackbaud Tuition Management and Financial Aid Management, serves thousands of schools and over 300,000 families across the country. Blackbaud contractually agrees not to use DIS’ or its students’ information for its own commercial or marketing benefit. At this time DIS uses Blackbaud SaaS for all parent invoicing, but parents still have the option of paying DIS directly by cash or check.  If you are not comfortable using the Blackbaud system for payment, please contact DIS Accounting to arrange a direct payment.

The Blackbaud Tuition Management (BBTM) link is located within your myDIS parent portal under the Resources tab. You will be able to view your account and see your upcoming payments due at any time. To ensure that you receive all your information from Blackbaud Financial Aid Management, please add and to your safe sender's list. Credit and debit card payments can be made online for a convenience fee of only 3.12%. You may pay by check or ACH transaction online without additional fees, as well as bring check payments to DIS Accounting at the Churchill location. Accounting office hours are every school day 9am-4pm. The accounting department will be available during most school breaks. Please contact DIS Accounting via email at to set appointments or to make account inquires. 


Invoices are generated and sent via email around the 25th of each month by Blackbaud Tuition Management and will always be due the 15th of the following month. Blackbaud customer service is available to help with general questions and payments on your account. You will have 20 days to dispute an invoice with DIS Accounting, who maintains control of and oversees your account. After 20 days you can no longer dispute any open invoice and the full amount will be owed and subject to service charges.  Past due accounts will be assessed administrative fees and penalties on the 16th of each month. If you are not receiving your statements, please notify DIS Accounting immediately. Late fees will begin at $50 per occurrence.


There are 2 payment plan options at Dallas International School: 1 month plan or 2 month plan. In the 1 month plan, all tuition is due and payable by June 15. In the 2 month plan, the first installment of 60% is due no later than June 15 to avoid penalty. The remainder of the tuition will be due no later than January 15. Please refer to  your Enrollment Agreement for full Terms and Conditions, as well as the Financial Responsibility section, if you have any questions. A copy of your signed forms are available via the Accounting office.

Basic After School Care

On the Lower School Campus after school care starts at the end of each child’s school day and ends at 6pm. There is no charge prior to an Afterschool Activity for after school care, however, you will be billed after the activity at the standard rate for $10.00 per hour for GS-CM1. Drop-In after school care rates are $30 per day for TPS-MS. Please note: there is a $1 per minute charge for all of those that are in after school care after 6pm. Siblings in care during another’s activity will be charged at the standard rate. Understand that the correct information is critical for student tracking and billing purposes via BBTM. There is no grace period and parent pickup is monitored closely to avoid potential errors. If there seems to be a discrepancy in your after school care bill, please contact DIS Accounting immediately.

On the Upper School Campus there is no charge for after school care at the upper campus. Students will be subject to Churchill campus after school care rules if they travel to Churchill and remain after school. 

Invoices are generated and sent via email around the 25th of each month and will always be due the 15th of the following month. Blackbaud customer service is available to help with general questions and payments on your account.

Invoicing Schedule

Monthly invoices available on Smart Tuition follow the invoicing schedule below:

  • October: school start - September 15
  • November: September 16 - October 15
  • December: October 16 - November 15
  • January: November 16 - December 15
  • February: December 16 - January 15
  • March: January 16 - February 15
  • April: February 16 - March 15
  • May: March 16 - April 15
  • June:  April 16 - May 15
  • July: May 16 - end of school


Should you have any questions regarding your account or have any general billing questions, please feel free to contact DIS Accounting at  Accounting office hours are every school day 9am-4pm. The accounting department will be available during most school breaks, so please contact via email to set appointments or to make account inquiries.

Payment Options Available

* Written check mailed to, or dropped at, Churchill Way or Waterview Parkway reception, Attn: Amber Shaikh

* * The white mailbox outside of CW reception or the black dropbox in the CW parking lot may also be used; no need to park

* Online ACH or check payments from your bank account via Blackbaud Tuition Management (BBTM)

* * Automatic payments can be set up through your BBTM account and is the fastest, safest and most convenient payment option to avoid penalties for any missed payments

* Online bank payment from your personal account; bank sends check by mail to DIS

* Credit cards run through BBTM site only, which incurs an additional 3.12% convenience fee